up to 12 hours
up to 18 hours
up to 24 hours
up to 48 hours
English, French, Spanish
Early 20s
Tolerant non-smoker
Elegant, Feminin, Modern
Fitness, Music, Shopping, Tennis
Champagne, Rose Wine
Victoria`s Secret
Mexico, Emirates, Switzerland, Greece, Italy, Turkey, Netherlands
I love all countries :)
Chocolate, jewelry
Magis esse quam videri oportet: It's important to be, rather than to seem.
When you mix cute and sexuality you can enjoy a lot of
real pleasure. I love talking about different things so also will be
interesting speech, I also consider myself a girl with humor so I’m
funny and make people smile.
So that you can enjoy your date carefree from the first to the last moment, we recommend that you bypass the business part by transferring 100% of the fee to us in advance.
You are also welcome to enjoy the company of the escort ladies together with a partner. In this case, the total fee increases by 1 / 3.